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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Back from being sick

Nobody likes being sick, but when you miss the day that I did you tend to really not like being sick. I came into work today just as any other day but at least this time I had checked our our website to get updated on all of the adoptions that took place while I was gone.

Before we got cleaning we had to rearrange a few kennels because we were getting in another group of second chance dogs today. This wasn't so tough because there had been so many adoptions in the past few days that it was easy to make the room. Once we got everyone placed in their new areas we got to cleaning. I did notice a few unfamiliar faces and I learned we had had a few relinquishments in the past week. One guy is a beautiful German Shepherd that's just about a year old. I think he is to smart for his own good sometimes because he is not having an easy time at the shelter. Anyways, got all of the cleaning done and realized we were a little short handed so by the time we actually finished the morning tasks it was already well past eleven.
Now onto the real reason I wanted to be here yesterday, it wasn't for any special adoption but rather a visit from a group of people that were trying to improve the "energy" of the cats. If you aren't laughing yet you soon will be. I found out that this group came in that is part of a class located not to far from the shelter, and as a sort of field trip they came into the shelter to show off what they have learned. I don't know the history of what they are doing I just have some eye witness accounts of a bunch of people tapping on their wrists and their heads while saying a chant in order to improve the cat's energy and well being. If I see a difference in our feline friends I will certainly pass it along to you all. Anyways, I just wish I had a few pictures of it all.

Back to the day, with so few showings we were able to focus on what actually needed to get done in the shelter to keeps things running smoothly. With all of the new dogs arriving in the afternoon there is a lot of prep that needs to take place. We set up the six kennels for them putting in lots of blankets, a few beds, water bowls, and of course a gaggle of toys. After that we couldn't forget the fences and "do not touch" signs that hopefully will deter people from helping spread some kennel cough. After all of that was done we also had to disinfect the yards that the dogs will be going into. Don't want to give the new guys something if you can avoid it.

Before we knew it the new bunch had arrived. I have to give lots of credit to our behavior therapist for picking the dogs that she does. Not only does she have to pick highly adoptable dogs but because of the over crowding at the shelter that she goes to she has to leave a lot behind. She is a lot stronger than me. Anyways, this batch seems like a good one with a least a little variety from the typical chihuahua mixes. Here is a pic of a wire haired dachshund that we have given a second chance to.
That's about it today. Hopefully not that we are filling up again we will get some eager new pet owners soon. Thanks for reading as always and I look forward to your comments.

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