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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Nice, a weekend off

As usual, lots and lots of cleaning. I'll try not to bore you with the details because it was pretty much just like every other day of cleaning cats and rabbits. The only difference today was that we were playing musical chairs with the kennels by disinfecting and relocating a few of our feline friends to make room for some new arrivals later in the week.

Once all of the cleaning was done it was on to the necessities of the day. Laundry, washing windows, and of course more laundry. There were a few showings but the real excitement for the day was the care-taking of an extremely young abandoned kitten that still had it's umbilical chord attached. In these cases you never know what the outcome is going to be since especially with an animal this young. You never know if there was reasoning that it's mother left her behind, whether it was medical or motherly instinct we'll never know. All we can do is try our best to give her the best chance at a long life. You will be glad to know that she is keeping up her energy and bottle feeding very well. Here is a picture of the little lady with a nice milk mustache.

Later in the day I was approached about an upcoming EBR class. The EBR stands for euthanasia by request. In any job that I have had I have always jumped at the opportunity for extra training, but in this instance I have to think twice. Now I understand that it is part of any shelter but for me to actually be the person to do the duty I'm not sure if it is right for me. This coming from a former Marine! In any case I turned down the opportunity and since I did that gave the option to another kennel staff member. What that means is that I will work on Friday to cover their shift and in return I get Sunday off! I can't believe how excited I am but it is so nice to be able to spend a few days with my lady rather than heading into work.

The rest of the day was pretty dull until of course we brought all of the animals down for their afternoon break. We have two very large fenced yards for our jumpers and both were full when I walked by. What I noticed though was that the two dogs were fence fighting pretty intensely. I kicked the fence as usual to distract them. This usually works but this time it worked very well, for the simple fact that by pushing on the fence caused a pvc pipe to crack and send water spraying everywhere. Not a great way to end my day but luckily it split the dogs up and we were able to find the cut off switch to the water very quickly.

Thanks for reading everyone and I look forward to your comments. Remember that there are so many ways to help animals in your community, do the research and volunteer your time, there are only a few things in life that can relax you as much.

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